SAT, APRIL 20, 2024 - Robert “Bob” Kougl Collection Auction
Location: Trade Center, Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT
Start Time: 9 A.M. MDT
Auctioneer’s Note: Bob Kougl was born and raised in the Fort Shaw area. At a young age, he became enamored with the historic Native American culture and life. He spent endless hours searching for artifacts and then researching the heritage behind them. Th is tremendous collection is a lifetime of memories and adventures. Bob was meticulous in documenting about items and his stories that go along with some of these pieces are simply priceless. Please join us on April 20 to honor and celebrate this amazing collection. - Jayson & Kyle Shobe
Native American Artifacts
Stone & Tools:
(2) Montana Agate framed collections; several framed collections of Indian stone knives & scrapers, points & scrapers, bone tools, thumb scrapers; several Elk horn hide scrapers; (2) Sioux stone war club; (2) Metate & Mano 12' x 15' Indian food grinder stones w/ knives; many Bison scapula hoes; Stone bone crusher and stone knife; Several hundred Native American stone chippings; Ox Bow point, ca. 5000-3000 BC, found near Cascade, MT
Points & Artifacts:
(3) Catlinite pipes; Lakota Sioux painted rawhide flat bag; (2) Nez Perce' dyed corn husk bags; Buffalo rib dance rattle; Blackfeet rawhide rattle; Nez Perce round cornhusk bag; Blackfeet ladies saddle; (2) Blackfeet Indian Dancers framed image made of arrowhead parts/pcs; Canadian Cree moosehide gloves; Strike A Light w/flint stone; Skookum doll w/papoose; (3) clay trade pipe bowls; Pre-Columbian Mayan artifacts; Rare cut-away shell gorget w/ shell bead necklace; Stone moccasin last; (2) Buffalo hide hair-out bags; Painted rawhide parfleche; Crow painted medicine case; Blackfeet strike-a-lite bag
Arapaho full beaded cuffs; (3) Beaded turtle umbilical fetishes; Sioux beaded 14" knife sheath w/old trade knife; Crow full beaded awl case w/4" deer bone needle; Northern Plains full beaded 7" awl case; (2) beaded awl cases; Cheyenne beaded strike-a-lite bag; Lakota Sioux beaded umbilical fetish; (2) Lakota Sioux beaded amulets; Chippewa beaded floral belt; Beaded arm bands; (2) Nez Perce' ladies beaded belts; Nez Perce' beaded bag w/leather thong handle; Yakima beaded flat bag; Ute beaded whetstone knife case w/old trade knife; Beaded moccasins; (2) Plateau tribe full beaded cuffs; Blackfeet beaded moccasins; Northern Plains full beaded pipe bag; Sioux beaded pipe bag; Sioux or Arapaho pipe bag; (2) Sioux beaded and quilled pipe bag; ; Santee Sioux beaded gauntlets; Iroquois full beaded bag; (4) Iroquois beaded pieces; Nez Perce' beaded leggings; Soft doe skin full beaded bag; Painted parfleche knife case; Chippewa beaded ladies belt
Moccasins & Clothing:
Santee Sioux beaded moccasins; Northern Plains Indian beaded moccasins; Woodlands Indian beaded moccasins; Child's moccasins; Sioux shirt; Doe skin high-top moccasins
Western Gear
Excellent selections from the following: Buermann, U.S. Cavalry, F. A. Meanea, Keystone Bros., Miles City Saddlery, Kelly, Jerry Dyckman, Wm. Mann, Hamley & Co., Edward H. Bohlin, Garcia
Art - Originals, Prints, Sculptures, Bronzes, Collotypes, etc.
C.M. Russell, M. J. Streed, Jay Contway, Will James, Joe DeYong, Ace Powell, L.A. Huffman, Bob Scriver, Leal Mack, Olaf Weighorst, Clarence Cuts The Rope, C. R. Cheek, Art Brown, Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, Howard Terpening, Rusty Phelps, Rusty, Corwin Linson, Les Peters
(2) Lincoln Penny sets; Franklin 1/2 dollar set; Mercury Dime set; (13) Morgan dollars - 1879-1901; (10) Gold Coins
Antiques & Collectibles

Books & Vintage Documents
Books by:
C.M. Russell, Thomas Mails, J. M. Moynahan, Robert M. McBride, Harold McCracken, Yost & Renner, John Willard, Leonard Fisher, B. M. Bower, James Willard Schultz, Gerald Snyder, George Catlin, Harold McCracken, Brown & Felton, A. B. Guthrie, K. Ross Toole, John O. Bye, E. C. Abbott & Helen Huntington Smith, J. Schultz Willard, Earl Moore, James Welch, Will James, Ralph Moody, Bernard DeVoto, Dan Cushman, Paul Elliot,
Reference Books:
Indian artifact reference books; Montana history books; Paleontology books; Montana Indians; Montana books; Montana Archaeology Publications, 20+, bundled
Vintage Documents:
Will James, (1892-1942), original 2 page letter; 1874 TC Power Co. document, Fort Benton, Montana Territory; 1911 Sunnyside Store receipt, Sun River, MT; 1874 Sun River, MT document/letter; 1901 Sun River Mercantile receipt; 1906 Rooks City Republican Committee letter, 2 sided, Iowa 1882 TC Power & Co. credit memo 1890 Montana House of Representatives bill draft
Gravel-covered carbine, 38" long, found near Sun River in 1958 on Kougl Farm. Very rare Montana find; Win. 1892 SRC, .25-20; Winchester Model 88 lever action rifle; Smith & Wesson 39-2, 9 mm; Win. .22 rifle; S & W No. 1 ½ Issue, cal. 32 R. F.; S & W No. 1 dragoon revolver, Second Issue, cal. .22 rimfire; Wheeler Fur Trade pistol, black powder